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Clinical Engineering

Clinical engineering is a specialty primarily for applying and implementing medical technology to optimize healthcare delivery. Today Hospitals are not only known by their size but also by the specialties that they offer and the success rate they achieve and this would not be possible without the aid of technology. Healthcare has equipment to ensure their availability and reliability. With this growing influence and dependence on technology, the role of HTMS gains more prominence in the whole gamut of Healthcare delivery.

A Quality Clinical Engineering Service Delivery Ensures

  • Availability of Comprehensive Medical Equipment records.
  • High Equipment Up time through fast turnaround time.
  • Enhanced Equipment Life Span to optimize capital investment.
  • High Responsiveness for urgent care.
  • Eliminate patient (or) operator injury due to medical equipment misapplication.
  • Optimal Equipment Utilization through user training.
  • Technology based advisory services.
  • Elimination of Incidents through Equipment Hazard Alerts & Safety Tests.
  • Replacement advisory based on equipment life cycle maintenance cost records, Safety and Technological innovations.

'An accountable, systematic approach to ensuring that cost effective, Safe, efficacious and, appropriate equipment is available to meet the demands of quality patient care (ECRI, 1989)'

Asset Inventory & Commissioning

It is vital and mandatory that all new medical equipment, system and installations (asset), be tested and commissioned prior to use. It involves verification of the equipment against the technical specifications detailed in the purchase ordered (such as type, model, manufacture, electrical requirements, etc.) and verification for compliance to other technical requirements, standards and regulations as requirements as required by the users including the current safety regulations. The suppliers will be responsible for providing the stipulated warranty services for all new medical equipment purchased and installed in the Hospital. TBS will be responsible for Compiling details of all warranties and making sure that all planned preventive maintenance inspections covered by the warranty are carried out by the supplier or his agents; Ensuring that the supplier/his agents rectify and repair all faults reported during the warranty period and Carrying out safety/functional tests prior to the expiry of the warranty period.

Planned Preventive Maintenance & Safety Checks

Provision of Comprehensive Program of Planned and Scheduled Maintenance on all relevant Biomedical Equipment Performance Verification/Certification. Annual planned Preventive Maintenance calendar is prepared in accordance with International guidelines (ECRI recommendations) on the PM frequency. The Schedules are uploaded into the Maintenance software, and PPM work orders/PM Check Lists are generated for execution and job completion is validation by end users, for closure in systems.

Breakdown Maintenance

Provision of Breakdown Maintenance and Emergency Maintenance to restore equipment to a specified condition. All Breakdowns will be logged in system and Responded within the Stipulated “Response Time”. Equipment will be serviced and made functional in the shortest possible time. All Work orders/ Service Reports will be validated by the end users for satisfactory performance of the equipment and updating in the system. 24/7 on call services available for emergency support.

Predictive Maintenance & functional control

TBS biomedical engineers will carry out daily walk-through inspections in order to ensure safe and reliable functioning of equipment. The daily activity of proactive equipment inspection in critical departments such as Operating Theaters and I.C.U.s in order to identify equipment that might require maintenance in order to prevent major breakdown. Our proactive initiative reduces considerable downtime and ensure critical equipment are available when need arises.

User Training Modules

End User training will be planned and implemented throughout the service period. This will ensure of the facilities/equipment, the daily operational checks that should be carried out by users and proper care that should be instituted by the user personnel. Areas of Training's will be addressed from the feedback on breakdown as well as end users requirements/requests.

  • Optimal equipment utilization.
  • Preventing Mishandling.
  • Familiarization of new technologies/features.


We have developed our CMMS software application with lot passion and the knowledge derived from many decades of industry experience. Our wide range of customer’s and their needs, continual enhancement efforts made the application as unique tailor-made solution that enable us to manage clinical engineering service with ease and efficient. The CMMS is included in our Maintenance Management System to enable us to deliver world class Clinical Engineering program.

Traits of our CMMS

  • Web based solution confers anywhere anytime access
  • Facilitates management of multiple projects & hospitals
  • Enhanced Equipment Life Span to optimize capital investment.
  • High Responsiveness for urgent care.
  • Eliminate patient (or) operator injury due to medical equipment misapplication.
  • Optimal Equipment Utilization through user training.
  • Technology based advisory services.
  • Elimination of Incidents through Equipment Hazard Alerts & Safety Tests.
  • Replacement advisory based on equipment life cycle maintenance cost records, Safety and Technological innovations.

Add-on HELP DESK option provides for a single point of contact (SPOC) where all calls are registered in the system and a system generated complaint is generated to track the call for completion.

Calibration Services

At TBS India Calibration Laboratory we believe we are one of the best calibration service providers in the market, and we’re ready to prove it!
We stand behind everything we do. Every Lab can offer you technicians and test equipments but you need more accuracy, fast turnaround times, services designed to meet your specific needs and most importantly, calibration services you can trust.

What is calibration?

Instrument calibration is one of the primary processes used to maintain instrument accuracy. Calibration is the process of configuring an instrument to provide a result for a sample within an acceptable range. Calibration is a comparison between a known measurement (the standard) and the measurement using your instrument. Calibration of your measuring instruments has two objectives. It checks the accuracy of the instrument and it determines the traceability of the measurement. A report is provided by the calibration expert, which shows the error in measurements with the measuring device before and after the calibration.

Why calibration is important?

The accuracy of all measuring devices degrades over time. This is typically caused by normal wear and tear. However, changes in accuracy can also be caused by electric or mechanical shock or a hazardous manufacturing environment (eg., oils, metal chips etc.). Depending on the type of the instrument and the environment in which it is being used, it may degrade very quickly or over a long period of time. The bottom line is that calibration improves the accuracy of the measuring device. Accurate measuring devices improve product quality.

Reason to do calibration

  • To ensure that readings from an instrument are consistent with other measurements.
  • To determine the accuracy of the instrument readings.
  • To establish the reliability of the instrument i.e. that it can be trusted.


Our annual contracts are tailored and comprehensive to cover all the calibration tasks with both on-site and off-site facilities. We offer complete peace of mind with a dedicated team who monitor and complete your calibration schedule efficiently.

What we calibrate?

Electro - Technical Calibration:

Digital Multimeter Clamp meters 6.5 DMM Volt meters
Digital Tachometer     Load Resistances DC Power Supply Ammeters   
3.5 DMM LCR meters 4.5 DMM  Decade resistance box   

Endoscope Laboratory

TBS represents Pentax in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana in service and Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chattisgharh. TBS Group has developed specific skills in the multi-vendor and multi-product endoscopy sector. Currently having eight well-equipped workshops in India, Italy, UK, Netherlands, France and Germany. PENTAX have developed a wide range of Video endoscopes and we are especially proud to present High-line series extensively used in the field of Gastroenterology PENTAX Medical is an established leading provider of gastrointestinal endoscopy products designed to meet a wide range of clinical and economic needs.