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ISO 9001

TBS INDIA aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism in the provision of high-quality care that is safe, effective and focused on customer experience in the people it employs, and in the maintenance support, education, training and development they receive in the leadership and management of its organizations and through its commitment to innovation and to the promotion, conduct and use of research to improve the current and future service to the full satisfactions of the customer.

Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015
  • Quality system implementation.
  • Quality manual / policy development.
  • Procedures / processes implementation.
  • Setting of objectives through analysis of your measurable activity.
  • Auditing of your system procedures.
  • Training your hospital staff.

Quality Management Systems are processes, sequences and interactions plus any resources which can be used to efficiently manage a Biomedical department. By monitoring, measuring and analyzing, controls can be put into operation throughout the system to ensure a high level of performance and service provision.

TBS INDIA have implemented, and currently run, successful Quality Management Systems to ensure that our customers receive high standards of medical device management.

Quality Management systems attract key benefits to Biomedical departments in terms of management control, reporting, measurable objectives and consistent quality of service delivery.

Quality Management System for Medical Devices: ISO 13485:2016

Quality Management Systems are based on continual improvements. As we are matured enough in practicing the Quality management system, we want much more improvement in our core field (Biomedical). So we achieved the certification of ISO 13485:2016 – Quality Management System for Medical devices.

Medical Device Management

    Some of the services we can offer:

  • Comprehensive Medical Device Management.
  • Whole of life medical device appraisals.
  • Assist NABH AND NABL Audits.
  • Advise on QC requirements.
  • Medical device staff training and record system implementation.
  • Pre purchasing equipment appraisals.
  • Managing Medical Devices - Setting frameworks to meet the standards.
  • Medical device policies written and implemented – we can train your Hospital staff to our tested and compliant systems.
  • Central Alerting System (CAS) for Medical Device Alerts circulated to all hospitals.

    By an appraisal of your systems and devices we can standardize your procedures across the wards and device holdings:

  • Including procedures and forms to create the most efficient system to meet your needs
  • Our systems will save you the breakdown time and budgets with a proven track record in both areas
  • Standardization of devices will not only reduce costs (procurement, spares and training) but also reduce risk
  • After an initial audit we can predict the savings we can make for you.
  • We look at more than just the initial cost. By looking at the whole of the devices life, servicing, parts, common faults, repair times and disposal.
  • We can find you the best device for your requirements.
  • We can trial a range of devices before you invest money on devices.
  • We can look at repair, recycling and help you meet the Waste Disposal (WEEE) Regulations.
Risk Management
  • We inform, advise and alert our customers on technical or functional use of medical devices.
  • We guide the hospital staffs about the importance of Personnel Protective equipment to prevent the first level of risk.
  • We issue advisory notices and sends to customer, whenever we find any risk/ safety issues involved with particular medical equipment's that in turn affect the patient or end user.
Incidents & Alerts

We can offer:

  • CAS Liaison Officer or advice – assisting your Trust to reduce outstanding alerts using experienced staff.
  • Investigating causes of incidents using root cause analysis tools and establishing training or device requirements.
  • Working with your staff on medical device incidents on level of risk.